Some of the BEST Results in the Author Industry
Apr 24 - 26 | Orlando, FL
Learn Insider Secrets to Write and Publish 
a Bestselling Book with ...
The Only Premium ONLINE Training Where Bestselling Authors Pull Back the Curtain and Show You Their EXACT Writing, Publishing, and Promotion Strategies
Apr 24 - 26 | Orlando, FL
Register Today & Save $500
Hurry! Seats are limited & the discount ends in:
SCRIBE is not an event. It's all online. Once you get it, you have it for LIFE and take it at your own PACE.

98% of New Authors Who Take the SCRIBE Training Finish Their Book Within 1 Year and Most Get Them Published.

Established Authors Hit Bestseller Lists and Massively Increase Book Sales!
Will you be next?
Why Get the SCRIBE Training?
SCRIBE is THE author training for both aspiring authors and established authors. In over 10 hours of video training, taken from the last live SCRIBE event, you'll experience a premium training from bestselling authors as they teach you their secrets to quickly get your book written, published, and promoted in such a way that you'll INCREASE sales by using proven promotion strategies that are non-spammy and highly effective.
Who will benefit from this training?
Both aspiring and accomplished authors alike will learn new and proven strategies to enhance and promote their work.

You'll benefit if you...
  • ​Have a great idea for a book (fiction or non-fiction) but just don't know how to get it all down on paper in an organized and compelling way
  • ​Are in the middle of the writing process and need a proven system to finish it, improve the draft, and prepare a manuscript
  • ​Need powerful promotion strategies that actually get results (instead of spamming people, which most authors do these days - and that never works)
  • ​Are looking for a tribe of fellow authors who will help you meet your writing goals. The bestselling authors who will train at SCRIBE are part of this tribe.
If you fit any of the above, you need to obtain the SCRIBE training.
With SCRIBE, You'll Learn Carefully Guarded "Insider Tricks" from Professional Authors, Including:
  • ​Frank Viola’s secret sauce for getting 8 of his published books on bestseller lists
  • ​Frank's entire writing process including his best writing insights
  • ​5 different methods Frank uses to write books
  • ​Bridget Cook-Burch's secret sauce for writing a book that hits the New York Times Bestseller list
  • ​How to stay focused and motivated to complete a book
  • ​A behind-the-scenes look at the challenges and successes of a published author and the publishing world
  • ​ How to get an agent and a publisher
  • ​ How to self-publish professionally
  • ​ How to build an audience of loyal readers who are eager to buy your book
  • ​ How to get over your fear of promoting your book
  • ​ How to overcome writer's block
  • ​ Your specific and unique struggle in writing and promoting will be addressed with workable solutions offered
  • ​ A step-by-step guide on how to use Facebook ads effectively
  • ​ How to maintain momentum when you write
  • ​ How to come up with great title ideas and back cover copy
  • ​ The key ingredient that most readers want that no one ever talks about
  • ​ The reasons why books don’t sell and how you can overcome them
    And a whole lot more!
    You're Going to Learn Wall Street Journal Bestselling Author Frank Viola's Proven System to Write & Publish Bestselling Books (Over and Over and Over Again)
    Frank has written over 15 books published by Thomas Nelson, Tyndale, Baker, David C. Cook and Destiny Image.

    Nine of his books have been bestsellers, including hitting the Wall Street Journal Bestseller List.

    In addition to his book writing, he runs an A-list blog which has been regularly ranked in the top 10 of the most popular Christian blogs on the Web.

    Frank knows how to write and publish prolifically, and he'll teach you all of his secrets and insider knowledge at this event.
    Bridget Cook-Burch Will Teach You the Technique That She Uses to Craft Powerful Messages that Land Her on Oprah, Dateline, and Good Morning America
    Bridget is a New York Times and Wall Street Journal bestselling author, mentor, speaker, trainer and humanitarian.

    Her books have been showcased on Oprah, Dateline, Good Morning America, Today Show, and in People Magazine, among others.

    Bridget believes, like Mother Teresa, “I am a pen in the hand of a God, writing a love-letter to the world.”

    Passionate about the power of your story to change the world, at SCRIBE she will teach you how to effectively communicate your epic story. Her authors influence local and worldwide movements for positive change. They are empowered to create far-reaching impact from TEDx to global stages and film.
    Marketing Expert Michael Crist Will Show You His "Ninja Tricks" to Launch Your Book to Amazon Bestseller Status
    Michael Crist is a serial entrepreneur and has been in the digital marketing world for over 6 years. He has been published in Inc, Huff Post, and Apple News.

    Michael has managed up to $15,000 in Facebook ad spend per day between himself and his clients.

    He ran the Marketing for Authors Facebook group with over 13,000+ members, the largest Facebook group dedicated to author marketing.

    In the SCRIBE training, he'll show you the tips and tricks he's used to help author become Amazon bestsellers and reach the #1 position in their genres.
    You may have seen Michael in:
    What to Expect
    Actionable Content
    Have you ever left an event with a jumble of notes but no idea how to implement what you've learned? We hate that too! That's why we've designed our content to be easy-to-understand and ACTIONABLE every step of the way. Many past attendees even go back to their hotel rooms after a day's session and implement what they've learned that night.
    Practical Writing Tips
    Are you sick of getting writing advice that isn't applicable to your situation? The tips and tricks shared throughout SCRIBE were hard-won in the arena, not from the sidelines. Frank, Bridget, and Michael share with you what works. Period. Regardless of whether you're an aspiring writer or you are already published, you'll take away valuable writing tips from this event.
    New Connections
    At each SCRIBE event, people just like you attend to get the help they need to move to the next level. Between daily mingling, group sessions, and shared meals together, valuable (and sometimes lifelong) connections are formed between like-minded individuals. At the end of the event, many people claim the connections alone made it worth the investment.
    Insider Secrets
    Breaking into the publishing world today can be challenging. Frank and Bridget will break down exactly what it takes to get your book picked up by a big name publisher. They'll cover how to polish your manuscript, build a platform, connect with an agent, and practical steps to increase your chances of getting published. They also cover the best self-publishing options.
    Promotion Strategies
    Finishing your book is just one part of a larger journey. To get your unique, world-changing message to readers you'll need to build your platform. This can be a daunting task for many, but Frank and Bridget will cover exactly what strategies are working right now, and how you can get your work in front of more people (and perhaps make a decent income while you're at it). 
    Pro-Level Resources
    Aside from all of the powerful tips, tricks, and secrets Frank and Bridget will share at SCRIBE, you'll also get an invaluable list of online tools and resources you can use to propel your writing even further. Many of these resources are difficult to find and have been put together over many years in the industry. You won't find this anywhere else.
    Let's be honest...

    ASPIRING AUTHORS: Writing a book isn't easy. In fact, it can be one of the hardest things you'll ever set out to do. 

    Not only is it a mammoth task that requires almost superhuman endurance to complete, but it can be emotionally and mentally draining as well.

    There are thousands of accomplished authors and aspiring authors in the world who are struggling alone and in silence

    Imagine Rebecca for a moment.

    Her desk is a chaotic mess of scribbled notes, her drawers filled with endless ideas and reference papers. She spends late nights staring at a mostly blank computer screen through bloodshot eyes, desperately trying to get her message down on paper.

    And she's been at it for months ... with no progress.

    Interested family and friends ask for the occasional update, at which Rebecca hangs her head and delivers the somber news in a voice that barely raises above a whisper. 

    It's the same update Rebecca gave them the last time they asked ... and the time before that.

    "I'm still working on it."

    Rebecca has a powerful and unique message that she knows the world is hungry for, but she just doesn't know how to get "unstuck" and finish her book.

    Even after she finishes the book, Rebecca has no idea how to promote it -- a thought she routinely pushes out of her mind because it's just too much.

    Does this sound like you?

    Well ... the good news is that you're not alone. 

    But it doesn't have to be this way.

    It doesn't have to take years to finish your book ... it doesn't need to be a confusing, chaotic, jumbled and depressing task that never ends.

    It can be life-giving to you and your interested family and friends.

    What if you could finish your book within a year or less WITHOUT THE STRESS?

    What if there was a process - a system - that took away the frustration and allowed you to just take things step-by-step in an easy and stress-free way?

    With SCRIBE, we're going to teach you this process.

    ESTABLISHED AUTHORS: Few authors know how to hit a bestseller list. Even those who do, can't do it multiple times. 

    Every accomplished author can use training on how to expand his/her reach and create more readers and more book sales without being spammy or doing things the conventional way. 

    Don't let this be another year that slips by without finishing your book. Or without getting more readers for your existing books.

    The SCRIBE training will teach you the proven-system successful authors have repeatedly used to put this frustration behind them, so that you can get your unique message out into the world.

    What Others Are Saying

    Take A Look At Some Of Our Students Have to Say...

    In Christian circles there are so often spoken and unspoken assumptions for where a woman “belongs” and “doesn’t belong.” I have felt stifled by the belief that women belong in women’s only groups, talking exclusively about being wives and mothers. SCRIBE made me feel so freed, so safe, and so welcome. My voice was not only welcomed but I was encouraged to amplify it, to speak louder, and to speak with authority on the subjects that burn in my heart without reserve.
    I can’t tell you how healing that was for me. To be quite literally and metaphorically offered a seat at the table, and to feel like I actually belong was incredible. I am writing this through tears. I just want to thank you for using your voice and platform and influence to stand up for women in the church. I felt it through your messaging and I’ve seen it on your social media as well. From a woman who has felt the oppression of men who do just the opposite, thank you. Thank you so much.

    ~ Lauren Mickler

    I cannot thank you enough for SCRIBE. You brought so much of yourself to the training as well as practical wisdom and knowledge to bring your students to the next level.
    The teaching sessions offered an abundance of information in a simple and well laid out format. The connections made are priceless to me. I received deep encouragement and direction.

    Frank, you have brought me hope again. I feel like this is the beginning of me coming out of a very dark season of life and this is a ray of light for me.

    ~ Toni Imsen

    Before SCRIBE, I was somewhat discouraged about writing. But with SCRIBE, I left excited and renewed in my desire to write and to publish. I would highly recommend authors who are struggling or aspiring authors to attend. Worth every penny.

    ~ Adam Collier

    I’ve been to many conferences, seminars, and workshops in my life. Some good, some not so good. SCRIBE was so much better than any other training I’ve participated in before. Nothing I’ve been to before even compares to it, not even close.

    At the very least, and it’s no small thing, it delivered. Everything Frank promised was received and every expectation I had was exceeded. On top of that, the quality of those also being trained was amazing. He invited the most amazing group of people, and before long it almost seemed like a group of friends. It was that strange, in a good way.

    A fantastic and unforgettable training. Everything I was hoping for in a writer’s seminar and more. I left with tools, ideas, and most importantly, a great confidence of becoming a successful writer. I am tremendously grateful that I was a part of it.

    ~ Larry Pittman

    I especially appreciated the pace (much slower than many conferences that overwhelm you with information). After hearing Frank share, I no longer feel weighed down by the excuses that I’m not disciplined enough to be a full-time writer or too people-focused to be a full-time writer. That alone was worth the price of admission. I also feel empowered by the community of people who are pursuing the same goals.

    ~ Jared Stump

    This time, investment, and experience will take you to new heights of inspiration and practical application. It us phenomenal.

    ~ Otto Kelly

    SCRIBE is a game changer. In a few short days, Frank equipped me with the tips and tools necessary to turn my book idea into a published reality. Light bulbs were illuminating for everyone in the training. Another huge benefit was the influential and supportive group of new like-minded friends that I established. If you are a writer who simply needs more motivation or you have nearly finished your manuscript and need help taking your next steps to publish it, I cannot recommend this training enough.

    ~ Jonathan Cottrell

    Do you want to write a book? Publish a book? Do something to ensure it actually sells? There’s no substitute for getting nuts-and-bolts advice from a multi-bestselling author.

    SCRIBE gave me unprecedented access to Frank Viola, who not only has an excellent publishing track record, but writes books that always resonate with me. What benefit did I get with SCRIBE? First, I learned the stories behind Frank’s books. How was each one written? How did they get published? How well did they sell? This peek behind the curtain was invaluable.

    SCRIBE has created a support network that expands the reach of my work. It’s a beautiful thing. Through SCRIBE, Frank has assembled a group of writers that cross denominational and generational lines. 

    ~ Bren Hughes

    Though others can teach the topics Frank covered in SCRIBE, there is a Spirit dimension that is inherent in the training. It’s not something you had to conjure up, but it was present and resident. The Presence of God was actively involved. I’ve not seen anyone else empowering others in this manner. God has added impartation to your information.

    ~ Brett Wade

    This was a stellar seminar. I’m still basking in the afterglow, and I think I will be for some time. I have much food for thought, much inspiration, and in many ways a new family. I am beyond blessed.

    ~ Jonathan Puddle

    Wow! What an incredible training! I get a little emotional just thinking about it. The information presented is invaluable; so many rich treasures! I am still processing! It is hard to find adequate words to describe.

    ~ Michele Stanford

    I am so grateful to have been a part of SCRIBE! This training is well worth the investment in every way. Frank provides a wealth of knowledge for authors at every level of experience. He freely offers his expertise and insight for every stage of the writing process. He gives validation to the authors, both existing and aspiring, while also providing motivational tools to push you toward your writing goals. While some programs point you in a general direction and wish you the best of luck, SCRIBE walks with you step by step, offers names of industry professionals and provides resources to further your education to help you grow as a writer and see your book become a reality. The ongoing SCRIBE community in the private Facebook group is just the icing on the cake! I highly encourage you to invest in SCRIBE – the experience was truly invaluable!

    ~ Somer Colbert

    The SCRIBE training was a huge blessing that changed the way I think about my life and my mission as a writer. While I’ve always been dedicated, serious, and committed about my writing, SCRIBE helped me go far deeper than I ever imagined in visioning the full scope of my writing career. From the business and practical working-strategies I learned to the way SCRIBE helped me push the clutter and noise aside, I was able to hone in on what truly matters. I am incredibly grateful and I highly recommend the SCRIBE training for anyone serious about the craft and the business of writing.

    ~ Jessica Brodie

    This training was invaluable! It was both practical and inspirational, and a huge blessing. I would highly recommend it to anyone interested in writing a book.

    ~ Amanda Cook

     WAS a “remarkable” experience! And it was well worth the wait. M. Bridget Cook-Burch and Frank Viola brought unique, necessary, and complementary aspects to the training. It was jam-packed with so much valuable information. My head is still swimming. I took so many notes, I was in fear of running out of ink. It’s awesome you will be making the sessions available on video! What we received during the event was a true GOLDMINE! Thanks again.

    ~ Carla Sonnie Anderson

    SCRIBE was fantastic! I got my money back on just the first day. There were no up-sells. It was all valuable and actionable content.

    ~ Brian Russell

    The SCRIBE training was REMARKABLE! It was practical, wise, and encouraging.

    ~ Dyann Shepard

    This training is priceless!

    ~ Ruth Thomas
    This is Not Like Any Other Author Training!

    Unlike other seminars, this isn't one big pitch-a-thon.
    You won’t be overwhelmed by a parade of random speakers trying to take you down 12 completely different and contradicting paths.

    Let’s face it, that just leaves you with more questions than when you arrived, right?

    Nor will you be OVERWHELMED by the information.

    SCRIBE gives you a clear, step-by-step process for writing, finishing, publishing, and promoting, all without the overwhelm of "too much information" and not knowing where to start. 

    We’ve designed this robust video training taken directly from the live 3-day event to be a cohesive, step-by-step JOURNEY. (The live events have ended, but you can get it all on high-quality video!)

    The two other speakers have been strategically picked by Frank Viola (and placed in strategic order) because they have MASTERED a specific piece of what it takes to plan, write, publish, and promote your book.

    We'll be taking you on the END-TO-END journey from …
    How to Plan, Outline, and Get the Foundations in Place to Write Your Book
    How to Create a "Writing Space", Productivity Tips and Tricks, and How to Finish Your Book
    How to Find an Agent, Deal with Publishers, Self-Publish, Build a Platform, and Promote Your Book
    What This Training Is NOT!
    • ​We’re NOT rehashing old, outdated strategies that worked 10 years sgo
    • ​It's DEFINITELY not a pitchfest with a dozen random speakers flogging their wares
    • ​NOT a "teaser" event with light content and no "meat"
    • ​NOT just theories or ideas that "might" work with no PROOF of success
    • ​NOT just flash-in-the-pan tactics that work today and are gone tomorrow 
    • ​NO WAY will this event be like ANY other event you’ve ever attended -- it even contains awesome and valuable SURPRISES that we'll disclose each day you are there
    The SCRIBE Training is Now Online!

    The video recordings were taken directly from the live SCRIBE event held at the DoubleTree Hotel near the Orlando Airport. The video training will escort you there from the comfort of your own home. It's better than live streaming because you can pause and come back to the videos at any time. Since it's online, you don't have to worry about airfare, hotel expenses, and COVID!
    The emotional electricity that was present in the live training comes through the recorded videos. Plus you get connected to everyone else who attended SCRIBE and took the online training in a closed Facebook group. Frank, Bridget, and Michael are available to continue to coach you in the group! Being part of the SCRIBE family is a huge bonus.
    SCRIBE gives you direct training via the videos, notes, and cheat sheets. The videos are exactly what those who attended the live event experienced. High-level training by Frank and Bridget in high-definition 1080p video.

    Those who are part of the closed Facebook group are talented writers, a new generation of bestsellers. And you get to join them all for mutual help and encouragement!
    Location - Your Home!
    You can go through the training from the comfort of your home and at your own pace.
    Dates - Opens Once a Year
    The SCRIBE training opens for purchase only once a year. Just click the "GET SCRIBE" button below. Once you get the training, you have it for life and work through it at your own pace.
    Order Today & Save Over $4,000
    The discount ends in:
    You Also Receive These Bonuses!
    BONUS 1: The Buzz Seminar Master Course - Online Edition (normally $650)

    BONUS 2: Frank's PROLIFIC Productivity & Creativity Course (normally $127)

    BONUS 3: A full print interview on your book posted on Frank's Patheos blog (regular price $597)

    BONUS 4: Lifetime Access to the private Facebook Group for continued access to Frank's 
    personal coaching and the other SCRIBE attendees (valued at $6,000)

    That's over $7,000 of additional value!!
    Frequently Asked Questions
    Still on the fence? Here are some answers to frequently asked questions.
    When & Where is the Event?
    It's online. The window to purchase only opens twice a year. 
    What is the Basic Itinerary?
    Over 10 hours of video training from the live event, plus the complete notes, cheat sheets, and bonus courses. You also get added to the closed Facebook group for coaching and encouragement from other Scribes.
    Does the Training have a Guarantee?
    We guarantee that if you put the lessons into practice, you will be grateful you did. According to the testimonials, everyone who received the training felt it worth more than the price.
    How Long is it Open for Purchase?
    The training only opens twice a year for purchase. It stays open for just a week, then it closes for months.
    Who is This Best For (Can it Help Me in My Unique Situation)?
    This training event is designed for aspiring and accomplished authors of all experience levels. It's for those who desire to write a book (non-fiction or fiction) and publish it (self-publishing included). No matter what stage you're in, you will walk away with a step-by-step actionable plan to improve your writing process, finish your book, publish and promote effectively. 
    Do I Need A Finished Book to Benefit From This Training? 
    Absolutely not.
    Do I Need to Have a Book Idea Already to Benefit From This Training?
    No. The training will help you come up with ideas if you don't have some already.
    How Long Does it Take to Get it After I Pay?
    It's instant. Just make sure you check THE SAME EMAIL ADDRESS you used to make payment. If you don't see it within a few minutes, check your "spam/promotions/junk/other" folders.